MUN Conferences for University Students 2024

Bayern Model United Nations (BayernMUN)
Stipendium durch Bewerbung möglich

- Location: Nürnberg
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 01.03.–03.03.
- Conference 2025: 28.02.–02.03.
- Number of participants: up to 170
- First conference: 2010
- Website of BayernMUN
- Facebook page of BayernMUN
- URL:

Bonn International Model United Nations (BIMUN)

- Location: Bonn
- Languages:
- Conference 2024: 22.11.–26.11.
- Number of participants: up to 170
- First conference: 2002
- Website of BIMUN
- Facebook page of BIMUN
- URL:

Cologne Model United Nations (CologneMUN)
- Location: Köln
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 17.10.–20.10.
- Number of participants: up to 150
- First conference: 2018
- Website of CologneMUN
- Facebook page of CologneMUN
- URL:

elbMUN (elbMUN)

- Location: Dresden
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 25.04.–28.04.
- Conference 2025: 15.05.–18.05.
- Number of participants: up to 180
- First conference: 2010
- Website of elbMUN
- Facebook page of elbMUN
- URL:

Europe and Asia MUN (EurasiaMUN)
in Kooperation mit der Lahore University of Management Sciences (Lahore, Pakistan)
- Location: Passau
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 200
- First conference: 2008
- Last conference so far: 2017
- Website of EurasiaMUN
- Facebook page of EurasiaMUN
- URL:

Freiburg Model United Nations (FREIMUN)
- Location: Freiburg
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 25.07.–27.07.
- Number of participants: up to 120
- First conference: 2023
- Website of FREIMUN
- URL:
German Model United Nations (GerMUN)

- Location: alternating
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 22.02.–25.02.
- Conference 2025: 27.02.–02.03.
- Number of participants: up to 140
- First conference: 1997
- Website of GerMUN
- URL:

Göttingen Model United Nations (GöMUN)

- Location: Göttingen
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 20.06.–23.06.
- Conference 2025: 19.06.–22.06.
- Number of participants: up to 150
- First conference: 2008
- Website of GöMUN
- Facebook page of GöMUN
- URL:

Hamburg Model United Nations (HamMUN)

- Location: Hamburg
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 650
- First conference: 1998
- Last conference so far: 2023
- Website of HamMUN
- Facebook page of HamMUN
- URL:

Heidelberg Model United Nations (HDMUN)
- Location: Heidelberg
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 05.07.–07.07.
- Conference 2025: 30.05.–01.06.
- Number of participants: up to 120
- First conference: 2024
- Website of HDMUN
- URL:

Kleve Model United Nations (KleMUN)

- Location: Kleve
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 08.11.–10.11.
- Number of participants: up to 70
- First conference: 2013
- Website of KleMUN
- URL:

Main Model United Nations (MainMUN)

- Location: Frankfurt am Main
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 22.02.–25.02.
- Conference 2025: 06.03.–09.03.
- Number of participants: up to 200
- First conference: 2005
- Website of MainMUN
- URL:

Mannheim Model United Nations (MaMUN)

- Location: Mannheim
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 05.04.–07.04.
- Conference 2025: 04.06.–06.06.
- Number of participants: up to 150
- First conference: 2010
- Website of MaMUN
- Facebook page of MaMUN
- URL:

Münster University International Model United Nations (MUIMUN)

- Location: Münster
- Languages:
- Conference 2024: 09.05.–12.05.
- Conference 2025: 29.05.–01.06.
- Number of participants: up to 250
- First conference: 2007
- Website of MUIMUN
- Facebook page of MUIMUN
- URL:

Sieg Model United Nations (SiegMUN)

- Location: Siegen
- Languages:
- Conference 2024: 20.11.–23.11.
- Number of participants: up to 200
- First conference: 2010
- Website of SiegMUN
- Facebook page of SiegMUN
- URL:

Bamberger Model United Nations (BaMUN)

- Location: Bad Kissingen
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 65
- First conference: 2008
- Last conference so far: 2015
- Website of BaMUN
- URL:
Berlin International Crisis Simulation (BICS)
früher Hertie School of Governance MUN der UNi-Gruppe- Location: Berlin
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 50
- First conference: 2007
- Last conference so far: 2012
- Website of BICS
- URL:

Berlin International Model United Nations (BerlInMUN)
- Location: Berlin
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 100
- First conference: 2012
- Last conference so far: 2019
- Facebook page of BerlInMUN
- URL:

Bremen International Model United Nations (BRIMUN)

- Location: Bremen
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 200
- First conference: 2004
- Last conference so far: 2019
- Website of BRIMUN
- Facebook page of BRIMUN
- URL:

Campus Model United Nations (CampusMUN)
- Location: wechselnde Orte
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 150
- First conference: 2012
- Last conference so far: 2013
- Facebook page of CampusMUN
- URL:

Dom Model United Nations (by EfMUN) (DomMUN)

- Location: Erfurt
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 100
- First conference: 2016
- Last conference so far: 2016
- Facebook page of DomMUN
- URL:

Erfurt Model United Nations (EfMUN)

- Location: Erfurt
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 200
- First conference: 2004
- Last conference so far: 2020
- Website of EfMUN
- Facebook page of EfMUN
- URL:

Greifswald Model United Nations (GreiMUN)

- Location: Greifswald
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 50
- First conference: 2008
- Last conference so far: 2019
- Website of GreiMUN
- Facebook page of GreiMUN
- URL:

Heidelberg National MUN conference (HNMUN)

- Location: Heidelberg
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 200
- First conference: 2011
- Last conference so far: 2022
- Website of HNMUN
- Facebook page of HNMUN
- URL:

Hohenheim Castle Model United Nations (HCMUN)

- Location: Hohenheim (Stuttgart)
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 60
- First conference: 2004
- Last conference so far: 2016
- Website of HCMUN
- Facebook page of HCMUN
- URL:

Inn Model United Nations (InnMUN)
InnMUN wurde abgelöst von der EurasiaMUN in Passau.
- Location: Passau
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 150
- First conference: 2007
- Last conference so far: 2009
- URL:

Isar Model United Nations (IsarMUN)

- Location: Tutzing (bei München)
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 120
- First conference: 2008
- Last conference so far: 2020
- Website of IsarMUN
- Facebook page of IsarMUN
- URL:

Karlsruhe Model United Nations Conference (KAMUN)

- Location: Karlsruhe
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 175
- First conference: 2010
- Last conference so far: 2023
- Website of KAMUN
- Facebook page of KAMUN
- URL:

Konstanz Interactive Crisis Simulation (KICSim)
Konstanz Interactive Crisis Simulation (KICSim) / KonMUN Conference

- Location: Konstanz
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 100
- First conference: 2012
- Last conference so far: 2018
- Facebook page of KICSim
- URL:

Lahn Model United Nations (LahnMUN)

- Location: Marburg
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 100
- First conference: 2001
- Last conference so far: 2018
- Facebook page of LahnMUN
- URL:

macroMUN - be.boosted (macroMUN)

- Location: Berlin
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 100
- First conference: 2015
- Last conference so far: 2015
- Website of macroMUN
- Facebook page of macroMUN
- URL:

Model United Nations Heilbronn (MUNHN)
Bei Model United Nations Heilbronn (MUNHN) können Schüler (ab 14 Jahren), aber auch junge Studierende sich jedes Jahr wie im Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen fühlen. Simuliert wird dabei die Generalversammlung der UN, der Sicherheitsrat, der Menschenrechtsrat sowie das UN Umweltprogramm. Hinter der Konferenz steht ein großes multinationales Team aus Schülern und jungen Studierenden. Bei den Themen wird jedes Mal besonderer Fokus auf die aktuelle Politik gelegt.
Das Motto der MUNHN-Konferenz lautet "Krisen, Schutz und Chancen".
- Location: Heilbronn
- Languages:
- Number of participants: up to 150
- First conference: 2020
- Last conference so far: 2021
- Website of MUNHN
- URL:

Osnabrücker Model United Nations (OsnaMUN)

- Location: Osnabrück
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 100
- First conference: 2003
- Last conference so far: 2015
- Facebook page of OsnaMUN
- URL:

Ostsee Model United Nations (OstseeMUN)

- Location: Flensburg/Sønderborg
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 120
- First conference: 2013
- Last conference so far: 2015
- Facebook page of OstseeMUN
- URL:

Paderborn Model United Nations (PaderMUN)

- Location: Paderborn
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 50
- First conference: 2010
- Last conference so far: 2018
- Website of PaderMUN
- Facebook page of PaderMUN
- URL:

Rhein Model United Nations (RheinMUN)

- Location: Düsseldorf
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 50
- First conference: 2010
- Last conference so far: 2010
- Facebook page of RheinMUN
- URL:

Ruhr Model United Nations (DuEMUN)

- Location: Duisburg/Essen
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 200
- First conference: 2005
- Last conference so far: 2016
- Facebook page of DuEMUN
- URL:

Simulation des UN-Weltklimagipfels in Jena (KlimaX)
- Location: Jena
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 150
- First conference: 2015
- Last conference so far: 2015
- Facebook page of KlimaX
- URL:

Tübingen Model United Nations (TMUN)
- Location: Tübingen
- Language:
- Conference 2024: 02.02.–02.02.
- Number of participants: up to 120
- First conference: 2000
- Website of TMUN
- URL:

UNiG Model United Nations (UNiGMUN)

- Location: Berlin
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 70
- First conference: 2007
- Last conference so far: 2018
- Website of UNiGMUN
- URL:

Viadrina Model United Nations (ViaMUN)

- Location: Frankfurt (Oder)
- Language:
- Number of participants: up to 40
- First conference: 2005
- Last conference so far: 2018
- Facebook page of ViaMUN
- URL: